Membership Year Runs Convention-to-Convention
Membership dues are due at time of convention registration.
If you will not be attending the convention, they will need to be postmarked by the last day
of the convention in order for you to remain a "member in good standing".
Complete the online
"Member Application" to Join TTAI today!
When renewing your membership, log into your profile and click the "renewal" link.
Be a TTAI Convention Sponsor! Sign-up online!
What The TTAI Can Do For You
  by Ben Haden, Past President
"What does the TTAI do for me?" This is the question often asked of me and others involved in the Texas Taxidermy Association, Inc.

In my travels around the state I often visit taxidermy shops. sooner or later I ask that question...why aren't you a member of the TTAI? Their response is usually "What can the TTAI do for me?". I have heard this numerous times, too many to count, and when introducing myself as a taxidermist, attitudes change. I would like to respond to why.

Did you ever wonder why taxidermy isn't looked upon as a medieval cult anymore? Education my friend. Today state chapters are formed to inform each individual interested in taxidermy. With competitions to improve your working skill and seminars to improve your knowledge of how-to skills, these two lessons are greater than any how-to manuals you may purchase. It's the adventure of meeting new people, talking to and learning from some of their own experiences and methods that make education so vital.

"What does the TTAI do for me?" Very few taxidermists actually know the laws pertaining to taxidermists. In our newsletter we try to keep our members up to date on ever-changing state and federal laws. We inform you about keeping good records for migratory
birds, Texas sales tax, work orders, freezer and cold storage logs, and many other business practices.

We, as an association, lobby for our rights and freedoms as a taxidermist, hunter, and buiness person. When we join together, the numbers do make a difference.

The TTAI provides each and every member the opportunity to participate in our scholarship program. This $500 scholarship will help you to further your knowledge in any field of taxidermy you desire. This might seem like a small amount of money, but we are the only state association to offer a scholarship.

So what exactly does the TTAI do for you? We, as an organization, try to give you everything possible in exchange for your membership dues. The board of governors of the TTAI give our time, money, and talent to see that this organization continues to prosper, grow, and continue in the manner it has done in the past. While we can't place in your hands many items of material value, we hope that we have given satisfactory answer to the question..."What can the TTAI do for me?"

Become a member today!
Texas Taxidermy Association, Inc.