Awards List
People's Choice Best of Show - People's choice in the Professional or Master's Division. Bronze sculpture given by the UTA and created by Ken Walker.

Star Fish Award - The Star Fish Award goes to the highest scoring reproduction fish entered in the Master or Professional Division.

Wasco Award - This award is awarded to the most artistic mount. The mount must be entered in the Masters or Professional Division. The winner of this award is chosen by the judges.

Polytranspar Award - The Polytranspar Award go the highest scoring fish that was prepared using Polytranspar paints. The winner must be entered in the Masters or Professional division.

Van Dykes Awards - This award is for the most original and creative presentation entered in the Masters and/or Professional division. This award will be chosen by the judges.

Life Tone Award - Goes to the highest scoring fish (skin mount or reproduction) in the Professional Division.

Breakthrough Award, Judges’ Choice Best of Show - The winner of this award must be entered in the Masters or Professional Division. The winner receives a plaque and a $100.00 cash award.

Research Manikins Most Artistic Award - This award is given to the most artistic mount and habitat in the Professional or Masters Division. This award will be chosen by the judges.

Taxidermy Today Woody Award - The Woody is presented to honor Excellence in Taxidermy. It is to be given to any blue ribbon winner in any category (other than novelty, original art, sculpture, or best of show). Either the judges or competition officials can make the selection.

Second 2 Nature - This award is given to the highest scoring mount on a Second 2 Nature mannikin in Master or Professional Division. The judges chose the winner of this award.

Mule Deer foundation award (Professional division) - This award is given to the Highest scoring mule deer mount in professional division.

Mule Deer Foundation award (Masters Division) - This award is given to the Highest scoring mule deer mount in the Masters division.

Texas Taxidermy Association, Inc.